Thursday, May 28, 2009

Finally! Some Pics from when the Jollys were Here!

Super-models! I absolutely love how Bekah looks into the distance here.
You go, Girl!

Ach...not my fave of me...but Bekah seemed to think it was one of the best of me.

The simplicity of this one just rox

Tootsie rolls!

I luv this pic of me and Bekah...something about it is very honest and intriguing...almost as if it has another story to it.

Hahahaha...they're faces are classic!



We took some pics with happy faces and others with serious ones.

Bekah pretending to like our canine friend.
Bekah and Katie had a lot of time on there hands because Ellen vanished into the house for about an hour and left the other two completely bored, so they snapped like at least ten pics of themselves.
One of my personal faves...poolside teenage girls pumped up to punk princesses!

Katie pretending she likes Amigo....

Ellen seriously liking Amigo.

Another pic I got my hands on.

And of course...what would a teenage party be without music?
After Bekah found out she could take pics of things reflected in Ellen's sunglasses, she began taking pictures for more purposes than just cheating at cards. In this, Ellen is the center of attention, but our shadows remain forever in the background

Bekah's cheating move- a pic of Ellen's cards reflected in her sunglasses!

Bekah and katie chillin by the poolside.

Hangin round with some best buds!

Liar!!!!!! In case you don't already know, it's a tradition for our little fearsome foursome to play at least one good round of liar during our visits.

Ellen relaxin' in the grass

And Katie...yet again posing for the camera!
Photography courtesy of Bekah and some by Katie.
Editing by Bekah and Brittany.
One lazy day in March, during the Jollys visit, we had nothing to do. Since it was pretty hot outside, we all decided to go hang in my backyard and take pictures of ourselves, swim, listen to music, eat, play cards, you name it! Well, we discovered on that "boring" day that doing all these things and just chilling with each other was a lot more fun than roaming street malls and looking at everything we couldn't buy. These are a few of the pictures we took that day.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Unexpected Idol Upset brings Christians to their Feet

May 20th, 2009-

"For the last time this season, dim the lights, please," Ryan Seacrest said. With the illumination lowered to a faded shadow, he proceeded to call on a man holding an envelope....

Behind them stood Kris Allen and Adam Lambert, arms around each other's shoulders, patiently awaiting their fates. Both had come so far...from near nobodies to stars. But tonight, none of that mattered. A nation had spoken. A nation had decided. Now, what hung heavy in the minds of the American people was who would go on...and who would, for the final time of year 2009, be sent home.

Adam Lambert, an ex-Broadway star with an impressive range and remarkable theatrics, took American Idol's stage by storm with his unique performances and characteristic shrieks. The judges' pet performer and popular among many of the Idol viewers, almost everyone remained certain he would win. One of his turn-offs , however, was his feminine qualities, painted clearly with black fingernail polish, layers of eye-makeup, and several large rings (due to the fact that I do not know the full age range or maturity of my readers, I refuse to go into any more detail about Lambert, but let's just say his lifestyle violated a very strong Christian belief).

Kris Allen, on the other hand, was a nice, southern hometown boy who sang for his church before airing on Idol. For most of the competition, no one seemed to be able to apprehend how far Kris would go. But, week after week, he slipped up another place, eventually surpassing expected winner Danny Gokey inot the finals. The problem was, he was clearly not the judges favorite and his soft, country voice not exactly what a show that thrives on producing America's next big thing had envisioned.

Ryan took the envelope from the man and turned to the contestants. I grabbed the armrests of my chair, my heart thundering in my chest.

"Here we go," I said to my family, who was also anxiously awaiting the results of our vigorous voting for Kris the night before.

Talking to the contestants, Ryan spoke of things I can't quite remember (but probably had to do with this is it, America has decided, blahblahblah) because I was so nervous. If you've ever watched American Idol, you understand the cycle of choosing sides, rallying behind your favorite artists on Tuesday night only to wait breathlessly as they pass through the prolonged yet suspensefully artistic elimination process on Wednesday. And, when it's down to the wire, it can be even worse.

"...and the American Idol of the year 2009 is...." A long pause interrupted Ryan's speech, suspending in mid-sentence.

C'mon, this was torture!

"Poor Kris, he knows it," Mom said, observing the way he looked straight at Ryan, a resigned look in his eyes. He knew what America had decided. Adam could have the was all right with him....

But that look quickly changed to surprised joy at the next words.

"...Kris..." "...Allen!"

Dad shouted "Yes!" and lunged to his feet. Mom and I quickly jumped to ours as well and started screaming really loud (seriously, our throats were sore for like six hours afterwards). We hugged and was unbelievable! Adam was the for sure favorite, and even amid his tears Kris was heard to say, "Adam deserves this!" Nevertheless, Kris, the so-that underdog of the competition, had championed, bringing his fellow Christians to their feet...rejoicing that God had paved the way for another Christ-like role model to grace this fallen world.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Paranoid- JB's new single!

Okay, since I am not allowed to write reviews on iTunes (and, oh, what I'd have to say if I did), I decided to come on here and write one of my own.

First off, I'd like to say that this is one amazing single from one amazing boy-band! Previously, Jonas Brothers haters have backed their scrutinizing reviews with that they are a Disney band (thus making them childish and unsuitable for "real music"). Not now. With Paranoid, the boys' first single off their album Lines, Vines, and Trying Times (due out June 15th), they grab the listener by the hand and -with one final popish fizz- drag them down into the inner workings of the human mind.

Prior to this, the Jonas Brothers have delivered widely acclaimed songs such as Burnin' Up, S.O.S., and Lovebug, attracting to themselves thousands of screaming fans and have ridden their way up to one of the hottest bands of today. Up until now, they've surfed the waves of success with teenage ditties concerning relationships, holding out when everything goes wrong, break-ups, living with a life-threatening disease, and the year 3000 :).

Now, the boys have decided to go into a slightly different direction, diving their still kid-gloved hands into meatier topics. This time, while still keeping their songs clear of any immoral additions, they address a subject that teens are just beginning to realize, adults will have no problem relating to...and doubtless it is very real to these three guys, who are trying to swim in an ocean that crashes around them, telling them to do this and that.

Paranoid portrays a world of stress, where the artist is drowning in expectations, calling to be rescued from the "staring faces". From the very get-go, JB lets us know that this is no Lovebug. No fantasy loves and dream girls...this is real life, and, through the funky beat of sizzling popculture, we hear the loud wail of a confused race of men who are groping for a foothold in the battlefield of life.

At the risk of sounding emo, I wish to inform you that I do not at all condone a depressed life...I am simply applauding an artist's depiction of times that challenge us both mentally and physically, taunts us as we take steps out against it, daring us to make the right choice when everything seems to go wrong.

And that being said, I would also like to tell you that the Jonas Brothers aren't at all a depressing band to listen to. I just got done listening to a very positive song by them called Play My Music. They are wonderful Christian guys who are trying to steadfastly hold on to their beliefs in the world of fame and fortune. And JB...if I had one piece of advice to give you, it would be to never lose sight of those beliefs. Never sacrifice them for anything, because no matter what your dissenters might say against the end that's what matters the most.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

An Awakened Realization

I stepped into the cool, shadowy recesses of the house, coming from the bright, sunny outdoors. Half-dried hair clutched the edges of my face, my swimsuit starting to lose its liquidy refreshment, as I crossed over to the counter.

Something caught my eye as I headed for the refridgerator, snagging me in its snare. Christian Aid Ministries Annual Report. Hmmm...maybe I'd get a missions' opportunity out of this one!

Picking it up, I peeled the cover back from above the pages and began to browse, casting a cursory glance at the photographed children staring back at me. The magazine was, in short, one of statistics- how many pencils were donated to where in Africa, how many tents to another place- and all were very sad to look at, being that I could never imagine not having school supplies or being in need of a tent. I had just come in from a family hangout and lunch next to our six-feet deep pool, by golly!

But then, something crossed my eyes that shook me. A little girl- an orphan, the text attested- lying across her nannies knee. Two months old, she was, and a mere five pounds. Ribs protruded from her drawn skin- nothing did healthy layers of infantile fat conceal. She appeared to be very weak...the magazine said she hadn't eaten in several days...her eyes were nearly gazed in delirium

By the grace of God, Christian Aid Ministries was able to come in and provide her with nourishing formula that she needs, but the fact that the youngster was doing better didn't heal the scar of her every accented feature- human life deteriorating while the rest of the world watches either helplessly or uncaring...and I can't comprehend the ways of our God. Why would He place a tiny, sweet little thing in the arms of those who have next to nothing, who from birth are exposed to famine, war, and disease, and place me in the arms of a family who can afford food, clothes, a television, iPods, health insurance, cars, a house, etc.? I know that for whatever reason my God of Justice is seeing it as just, but I just can't wrap my brain around it.

Have you ever thought of the starving people all over the you're shoving a sandwich in your face? You get three meals a day (and sometimes several snacks in between), while families all over the world are being wiped out from famine.

Have you ever taken the time to thank God for good health and the excellent knowledge of medicine He has given our doctors? Thousands die worldwide due to numerous curable diseases.

And yet we feel...we're entitled to more??? The motto of our nation might as well be "Here's the ladder of life. Climb it. Get that Ferrari. Be the best at what you do. Get the most for as little work as you can. Marry a movie star. Run for president. Oh, and text us on your iPhone when you're term in office expires...we'll have that mansion out on the shores of California all moved-in by the time you arrive from D.C."

Well, do you know that all any of the poor people want is to have a healthy, safe family with food, a home, and a good job?

Christianity in America seems free, but nowhere on earth is Christianity exempt from the devil's attempts at reclaiming us or preventing God's Word from going further into the world. I believe that the success God has given Americans is also Satan's tool to turn our faces from the suffering and those hungry for Christ that surround us. So distant is their life-style, so unheard their cries for help amidst the noise cell-phones, stereos, and shallow, ungodly chatter that we forget they even exist.

Oh, woe to this self-centered nation! It's a wonder God doesn't strike us all down for everything we've done!

But since He has seen fit to leave us here, I want to ask you to pray. To pray that God would humble Christians worldwide, show us where our wrong lies, and bring us together as brethren under the Name of Christ. Pray that, both together and individually, we will each do our part to ensure that the hungry in Christ will be met with the bread of Truth, and that through our helping hands God's light would shine through in a dark world.