Saturday, December 22, 2007

Crimson Tears

This is a book idea that I got doing...well, I can't quite remember what. I don't really have much of the plot all sorted out, but I know so far that it is about a girl with a red cross upon her hand. A red cross that puts her life, her emotions, and the world's fate on the line. So far, I'm calling it Crimson Tears because of all the hurts and trials she has to go through. Either that or I'm going to call it Chosen, because my character's red cross marks her as a special person, and because the book may be emotional, but it is also a bit dark and mysterious. Here is a fraction of the opening scene:

A girl sat in the middle of the dust laden trail, clutching a tattered blanket about her shoulders. Rain churned the path beneath her into slushy puddles. The girl gnawed on her filthy finger, summoning rivers of blood that bathed themselves in the clear droplets that landed on her hand. Her hair dangled in front of her face in wet, gnarled snarls. The clouds blockaded the sun, not permitting even the smallest of beams to illuminate the dark depths of the world. And that was just what Mercy Accacia's world was; dark.

She turned her face towards the sky and hissed at heaven. "Why is this happening? Why?!"

Sobs throttled her parched throat as she buried her head in dirt lined arms. Her crimson eyes shed tears that dribbled down her cheeks and dropped into the puddles, leaving a mark of pain in the world that seemed to be so adamently against her......

What title do you think works best? Post a comment and tell me!

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