Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Hey, ya'll! So I believe I mentioned in my last post that I wanted to go on missions' trip this summer. Well, I am pleased to announce that yesterday we sent a little something out in the mail...a little something addressed to Wycliffe Bible Translators in Dallas, Texas.

About a week ago, my mom visited the Wycliffe Bible Translators website and took a look at what their teen missions' trips were like. Now, in case you're not familiar with Wycliffe, they are an organization 100% devoted to the concept of the Good News of Jesus Christ being available to every man, woman, and child in his or her native tongue. They employ missionaries to take the gospel into the farthest corners of the earth to teach and translate everything God has to say to the local people. This has an effect that we could never comprehend- can you imagine being a Christian and not knowing a word of the Bible? Obviously, the Bible in forms that make it accessible to anyone on earth is a must if the spread of Christianity is to effectively continue.

Anyway, the Wycliffe Bible Translators site is where we found something that caught my attention...an all-teens' trip to Guatemala.

This is more than just a tropical summer escape, however. Once we arrive in Guatemala City, we will begin a study of K'anjob'al- a Mayan language! After that, we will fly to Huehuetenango, where we will meet two missionaries, who will explain to us how God's Word is forever changing individuals and communities. San Miguel Acata'n will be our next destination, where we'll lodge with real K'anjob'al families, eat their food, work with them, and speak to them in their native tongue so we will develop a good grasp of the language before we head for the Zaculeo ruins and Lake Atitlan, which just happens to be the place where the founder of the Wycliffe organization first worked with the Cakchiquels to translate the Bible into their own language!

Now that I've told you what I'll be doing, I have some prayer requests for you- First and foremost, that will be light for God, secondly, that I'd get accepted, and thirdly, that God will provide health, finances, and whatever else the team members might need. Thank you very much!

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