We give thanks to You, O God, we give thanks, for Your Name is near; men tell of Your wonderful deeds. Psalm 75:1
Let's not deceive ourselves, we have a lot we can be unthankful for. The market crashed last year, many of us don't have jobs, money is precious, our families and freedoms are threatened by belligerent Islamic radicals who would rather see us dead than the world at peace,friends and loved ones dying, uncertainty as the government tries to "ameliorate" our situation with a much-debated healthcare plan...the list goes on and on. But God never meant for us to fixate ourselves in what we don't have. Rather, we were made to honor and glorify Him with everything we DO have, even if it's very, very little.
Despite the good intentions of our well-meaning citizens, I am certain that God must chuckle at our inconsistency during the holiday of Thanksgiving. To demonstrate what I mean, take the example of the average American family. Bobby and Josephine sit down to enjoy an elaborate dinner with their two children, Billy and Suzie. After a quick prayer that usually mentions the things they forget to be thankful for save for once a year, they proceed to make their way around the table as each individual verbalizes that for which he or she is most thankful. Following these traditional ceremonies, they indulge in the vast feast set before them, filling their already contented stomachs with yet more food, commenting on the dishes, and topping it all off with a generous slice of pie. Oh, and come midnight? Josephine and Suzie will forget that just a few hours before they had all they ever wanted and hit up the mall for some earlybird deals, which, of course, is furnished by the money God has put in their pockets. Thanksgiving has now become Thanksglutton.
Tell yourself no falsehood...we often fall short of the grateful, contented human beings God made us to be. Just as it is our nature to resist God in every aspect, it is our nature to constantly want more. This nature is also boistered by modern American Materialism, which has effected every United States citizen in some way. It is only through Jesus Christ that we can be truly content. We must learn throw our full selves upon the cross, and surrender our lives to Him. Only then will He be enough for us, and the things that He gives will be all we need to do His will.
It's not that I'm determined to forever oppose and antagonize the aforementioned indulgences of Thanksgiving. I realize that most are just trying to have a good time with friends and family. The harmless fun that occurs should not be shunned, and indeed if I were condemning such activities, I should be sorely guilty. But I also believe there is a point to be made here; a very fine but very important line that must be recognized. The joys of any time of year, or even any day, should never overshadow our priority to praise and give thanks to our Creator. Much has changed since the pilgrims bent their knees in thanksgiving, but that doesn't mean that our sentiments have to. The Creator we were born to glorify, and we can do this by reminding ourselves, day-after-day, of everything He's given us.
As a little tributary to God, I would like to include the things I'm thankful for:
1. God's love, mercy and salvation, without which we would have no hope.
2. My loving parents who have cared for me and loved me since my very first breath.
3. My three wonderful siblings for the laughs and good times.
4. My three best friends, Katie, Ellen, and Bekah for accepting me and loving me just the way I am.
5. My new friends at Harvest Fellowship church.
6. The opportunities I have been given.
7. A house, our safety, that I was born in America where I am free to worship God, free to be homeschooled, free to have opinions (and free to have a blog on which to post those opinions!).
8. That English has a Bible printed in its language!
9. My gifts and talents.
10. All of my earthly possessions.
Now, I challenge you to write down today at least ten things that you thank God for, even if it's just little things, and be sure to let Him know how truly privileged you see yourself as for being blessed with these things. Keep it where you know you'll see it, and every time you think of something you wish you had, remember your list and everything God has given you.
May God be with you this holiday season!
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